- Forage Harvester
- Potato ridges
- Potato planters lunch
- Selling the Combine
- Shepherdess
- Taunton Market
- Hay
- Family of calves
- Taunton Market2
- Pig at Taunton Market
- Market auctioneer
- Pig arriving at market
- Farm Sale
- Taunton Market 3
- Harvested maize
- Milking parlour
- TB testing
- Silage pit
- Muck Spreader
- Calving 1
- Calving 2
- Off to market
- Silage making
- Downer cow
- Shearing day
- Potato harvest 1
- Potato Harvest 2
- Frogmary Green Farm
- Machinery sale
- Sheep sorting
- Sheep work
- Blackdowns Farm
- Blackdowns Farm2
- Milking in an abreast parlour
- Getting a cow in
- And the calf
- Lister elevator
- Feeding the cattle
- Moving lambs
- Moving Lambs 2
- Feeding the cattle 2
- Hay making
- Cutting thatching reed
- Loading thatching reed
- Loading thatching reed 2
- Angus bull
- Sheep in the Marshwood Vale
- Moving sheep
- Little farm